To live a Healthy Active Lifestyle,..staying fit & youthful - always remember our motto:
80% Nutrition .... 20% Fitness ....
Workout 3 times per week (more or less) to enhance your weight management result!
To lose weight faster, add some of this exercise to your Herbalife Weight Loss Program to get a faster result.
Here to share with you The 8 most effective exercises for weight loss:
SwimmingSwimming is a great exercise to burn lots of calories, without even feel like exercising if you love being in the water. This form of exercise is also great for those who are looking for low impact exercise (example for those who maybe have weak knees, etc) and yet wanna burn off more calories. Add this into your workout routine and your weight loss program, it will help tons.
Swimming is also great for shaping up your overall body because you literally move your entire body from head to toes constantly. Add this exciting activity into your healthy active lifestyle to stay fit & healthy or to lose weight. You can burn up to 600 calories in an hour if you really swim. No float ya.. :D |
CrunchDo add-on crunches into your workout routine because this is a great exercise to help on the abdominal area. But mind you, if all you want is just a smaller waistline or a flatter stomach, by just doing crunches alone won't help you to achieve your result. Strange? That's a fact! If you want to lose those abdominal fats, first you will need to know what you should eat everyday. You will need to have the right total calorie intake, eat the right type of food, have a total body work out, whether it's cardio or swimming or zumba or a mix of many,..then ADD-ON crunches in the program, will get amazing result over your abdominal area. Not just doing crunches alone. Needless to say, combine with your Herbalife weight loss program, it makes your daily meal plan that much easier for you to achieve a flatter stomach!
CyclingThis is also one of the fun workout to add into your healthy active lifestyle. It is a sure fire way to burn off the calories especially if you can cycle fast for a long period of time. More and more people are loving this activity because it is fun! You get to feel the cool breeze against your face, the wind brushing through your hair and also get to enjoy the landscape or the beauty of nature around you. It is definitely more fun to do this outdoor than in the gym or at home, but if you are doing it indoor, you can also make if fun by having your best entertainment channel in front of you, so you get to do the 2-in-1, exercise while watching your favorite movie or something. What's not to like, right? :D
Always have a glass of your Herbalife shake after your workout for muscle recovery. |
DancingThis form of exercise can be done anywhere whether it's outdoor, indoor, daytime or night-time. Many people don't even think about it as exercise because it is so much fun! Who doesn't like dancing?!!! :) If you are not the kind of person who likes to do exercise or hear the word exercise, add this activity into your weekly routine. All you get is fun fun fun that pumps with adrenaline. On top of all this fun, you get to lose those extra fats (if you have), or shape up a smaller waistline or build a stronger physical body or improved stamina - without even feeling you are exercising! :)))))) A great way to build lean muscle too.
BoxingBoxing is one of a great way to melt the fat away. Some people may find none of the other exercises fun until they try to throw those punches! If this is your game, by all means, go ahead and put it in your weekly routine. Not only it's great to melt those fats away,'s also good to throw out those stress from work. Especially if you feel like punching someone when you have a bad day. :D Punch the right way to benefit you instead. You will sweat so much and feel so great after that hour of punching and kicking. Great way to lose those extra fats when add on to your Herbalife weight loss program.